"The most important covenant we prepare for is being sealed in the temple"

Thursday, August 28, 2008


After schoool yesterday i did nothing. Well i did do a few things. Last night was the open house at my school. I went to that. About half way through it i ditched my mom and went to hang out with my freinds. Than after that i asked my mom to take me to get ice cream so she said ya and we went to golden spoon it was so good. Even though they did not have my favorite flavor but its all good. than after that we went to the store to get my orchestra clothes. My outfit is so cute i love it. My first concert is in three weeks. the music is pretty hard to but i am getting better at the music everyday.

1 comment:

  1. hey savanna, i can't wait to see your orchestra outfit at our first concert!! i haven't gotten mine yet. you are so lucky you can eat ice cream....i'm jealous! hehe. well....see you tomorrow!
