"The most important covenant we prepare for is being sealed in the temple"

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Today gym was horrible. It was not fun at all. I was so frustrated like the whole time. Than the girls on my team drive me nuts sometimes. They drive me nuts becasue they never listen and the always get us in trouble so we always have to do like 100 squat jumps. Well we didn`t have to do thet today but they still were drivind me insane. It was probly just because i was really frustrated. I was frustratred because i could not do my kip and that was making me really mad. Another reason why i was frustrated was becasue of my backhandsping. I was so frustrated though. So today at gym was not a good day i just wanted to leave and go home so bad but its over now.

1 comment:

  1. Why were you frustrated with your backhand spring? Oh and what girls are annoying?
