"The most important covenant we prepare for is being sealed in the temple"

Friday, December 6, 2013

Little Moments

Music is something to be appreciated.
Music always comes from somewhere.
Music comes from a persons true emotion and real experiences.
Music is not made up.
Music is true.
Music is the expression of something that's to hard to say.

When life is hard, when life is good, when life is lived in-love, when life is lived through the gospel,
there always seems to be a song to describe the way we feel.  

What song describes your life today?

I love music because music is my escape.
I'd live my life with music playing 24/7 if I could.
Music isn't something to be played as background music; it should be something we do. Listening to music should be a recreational activity because taking time to study the music you listen to brings so much more appreciation.

The other day I had to do a project for my Rock music and culture class and I spent hours and hours researching one song. I looked at the background of the song, and the band and what the band intended the song to mean and what the song meant to me. The appreciation I felt for this particular song was shocking. I will always listen to that song with more intent.
Music brings out emotions in us that we didn't think were possible to feel. We relate certain scenarios to specific songs. Music is probably the biggest part of our human existence.
 It always been, and it always will be.    

 If I was to pick a song to describe my life right now it would be...

Little Moments by Rob Thomas

Why this song?

Maybe if I explain what the lyrics mean to me then you'll understand.

Don't let what people say effect you. Let it roll off your shoulders and don't think twice about it. Don't you know the truth? The leading point to this "trial" is over and that was the hardest part. Let what you know will happen take over and have faith in it. When it's over, you'll forget how hard it was and only remember how it felt. Life is short and time goes by quick. Take advantage of the time you have because the moments will pass by and they will be the ones that count. Don't worry about the hurt and the pain it will only make you stronger. Turn to the people who you love and confide in them because they are the ones that will help you get through the hard times. Talk to the people who know how you feel. What really matters is what's deep in your heart. Our lives are meant to feel like this. The little moments are the ones that matter, make the most of them. Even though this time seems forever long, it's only a small fragment and the troubles will fade. Focus on the feelings you felt before and don't let go. Keep them close to your heart because they are the moments that matter. All of what I regret will go away because the feelings I feel right now are real and have made it possible to change. Every moment in my life has made me into the person I am today.

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