"The most important covenant we prepare for is being sealed in the temple"

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The 6 month mark!

or maybe don't!!!!!
Where to begin.
 I am filled with gratitude.
2 days ago was the 6th month mark of my sweet Missionary Elder Walker being in the field.
At the beginning the time seemed to go by oh so very slow.
The days felt like weeks, the weeks felt like months, and the months left like years.
It wasn't until I blinked one day, that I realized I was already beginning the second quarter of the wait.
The past 6 months and the next 18, are the times to learn, the times to grow, and the times to PREPARE.
"We need to understand that it is not possible to grow and develop that seed in the twinkling of an eye but rather through the process of time. Christ asks us to 'take up [ our ] cross daily,' meaning hat it must be a constant focus and desire." -Ulisses Soares
I've come to learn many things
I've grown in many ways,
and I'm continuing to prepare every single day.
A lot things can happen in just 6 months. A lot of changes can be made, a lot of things can be learned.
Along my Journey  I am finding trials, I am finding heartache, but I am also finding joys.
Life is all about "finding joy in the journey (Thomas S. Monson)."
Over the past little while I have come to learn and understand many things. The following are a FEW of the many things I have learned throughout this journey (so far) , and the things that I hope you can someday understand and learn as you go about your preparation for eternity.
  1. We are never alone -- There have been plenty of times when I have felt alone in this journey, when I have felt like running away, and when I have felt like I couldn't do it anymore and I just wanted to give up. The way to get through these feelings, is by turning to our savior. Look to him in all things. When we feel forgotten, he is the one person who has not forgotten us. He is our number one support in all we do. "Keep trying, keep believing, be happy, don't get discouraged, things will work out (Gordon B. Hinckley)!"
  2. Our Savior loves us more then we can comprehend -- whenever I have felt inadequate, under appreciated, or even unloved  and have turned to my savior I have felt his love so strong. I have literally felt the arms of my savior wrap around me. Christ gives his love freely, it is up to us to accept that love. "God is eagerly waiting for the chance to answer your prayers and fulfill your dreams, Just as he always has; but he can't if you don't pray, he can't if you don't dream. In short, he can't if you don't believe (Jeffery R. Holland)." 
  3. REGULAR temple attendance is key to our happiness. Attending the temple regularly keeps us on the path we need to be and helps us prepare for eternity.  
  4. I am becoming who the Savior wants me to be. I am turning into the daughter Heavenly Father designed me to become.
  5. "Faith in God includes faith in his timing." -- Only time can tell what will really happen in these next 18 month. The things that happen are only slightly under my control. Whatever is supposed to be will be and that is what needs to be kept in our mind. I'm not waiting for my missionary. I am preparing myself for my future husband. Whether that man is my missionary it mattereth not. What matters is that I am doing all I can to be worthy of someone great, worthy of the blessings of the temple, and worthy to have a forever family.
"If you will listen, you will feel the spirit well up in you. The lord will tell you what he wants you to do with your life."
-Robert D. Hales



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