Our life here on earth seems to be a big roller coaster ride; with lots of twists and turns, ups and downs. We often times are faced with unexpected trials that throw us through a loop. Sometimes we are rewarded with blessings from doing ever thing that we are supposed to be doing and we find our selves riding on the straight track upwards, after that big upwards climb we drop back down and the cycle starts over again.
There is no way of telling what this journey through life has to give, but there is one thing that we can give our lives throughout this journey despite our trials, and that is: showing our life that we can FIND JOY IN THE JOURNEY!
This life is a hard life, and that is something that we all need to face. Things don't always go our way. In fact, things rarely go the way we want them to go. One of the ways I have found to ENJOY THE JOURNEY is by relying on our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Relying on our Savior allows to be able to find the good in all most every situation. When trials come our way we need to think "I was given this trial to make me stronger, and stronger I will be." rather then the typical "Why does this have to happen to me?"
Trials are given to EVERYONE! It doesn't matter if you are doing everything right! No one person is exempt from trials. The sooner we learn to accept that, the sooner we will start to FIND JOY IN OUR JOURNEY. One of my favorite quotes of all times says this "When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show life that you have a thousand reasons to smile." How much happier would our lives be if we were constantly reminding ourselves of the things in our lives that make us happy. Focus on the good in your life rather then the bad.
Something that has helped me to remain positive in my life: Writing down 3 things that went on in my day that I was thankful for. Big or little. It doesn't matter. Writing down the things you are thankful for keeps negative thoughts out of your mind and helps you forget about the bad that went on throughout your day. When you least want to write down things you are thankful for, that's when you need to the most.
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All we need to remember is to Rise Above the Blues.
We must create our own Heaven here on earth so that we may be able to more fully ENJOY THE JOURNEY.
Thomas S. Monson Stated:
"Our realization of what is most important in life goes hand in hand with gratitude for our blessings.
Said one well-known author: 'Both abundance and lack [of abundance] exist simultaneously in our lives, as parallel realities. It is always our conscious choice which secret garden we will tend … when we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that’s present—love, health, family, friends, work, the joys of nature, and personal pursuits that bring us [happiness]—the wasteland of illusion falls away and we experience heaven on earth.'...Brothers and sisters, my sincere prayer is that we may adapt to the changes in our lives, that we may realize what is most important, that we may express our gratitude always and thus find joy in the journey."
What changes can you make in your life this week to more fully ENJOY THE JOURNEY?
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