If you like the pictures you can check out my aunt blog at http://www.westbergphotos.blogspot.com/
Well on my birthday my aunt was kind enough to take me and a friend and do a photo shoot for us! It was so much fun! and the pictures turned out AMAZING! I will post some pictures towards the end of this post. So i chose to take Rachael with me to get pictures taken obviously cause that's who i do everything with! Well i can't believe that this school year is coming to an end! its crazy so many things happened this year.. good and bad. I made a bunch of new friends this year and i also lost a couple friends. I lost my best guy friend which is really sad:( but it okay ill get over it eventually haha:) who needs guy friends anyway;) This year i also lost a friend who i was really close with for a long time. It's sad to think that i probably won't ever be able to be friends with her ever again. I guess things happen for a reason though. Well as of today we have one three days of school left which is completely crazy and insane! I'm going to miss so many people so much over the summer! I'm really excited for summer at the same time because its like a fresh start to a brand new school year. I'm so excited cause i get to go to my cousins girls camp up in California and we might go to the beach and stuff or to a lake. So it should be so much fun! It's so crazy to think that i will be going into high school! Time is just flying by way to quick and with the blink of an eye i will be dating and driving! How crazy!! Sorry this post is kind of so random and all out of order but you know the point of a blog is to just say what you feel and what has been going on so I'm just saying what ever pops into my head! So this year so many great new songs and movies have came out! i think that this year has had the best chick flicks! Haha such as the last song, dear John, and Romeo and Juliet. Those movies are all super duper cute!:) I absolutely love having a sister! She is the best! With all the boys living in my house its kind of nice to just have one sister cause than when they go on father and sons camp outs its like the best! We had so much fun when my brothers were gone. We went to the mall for like 9 hours and than we say Romeo and Juliet and than the next day we just hung out and stuff so it was pretty amazing! well this weekend i hung out with my long lost best friend Bethany we had so much fun! We went and saw Romeo and Juliet( yes i saw it twice) and than we went swimming. While we were swimming we totally killed a bunch of random and newly discovered bugs and than we created some of our own so that was pretty exciting! this year has just been so amazing thanks to everyone for really just being there and being my friend and making this school year be AWESOME! I LOVE YOU ALL!!
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