"The most important covenant we prepare for is being sealed in the temple"

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Wow it has been forever since i have been on my blog. Recently i got my pachriarcal (or how ever you spell it) blessing! It was a really great experience. My blessing was amazing. The spirit int the room was so strong. If you know me really well than you know i like never cry! I was crying so hard and so was my mom. The school year is almost up its insane! for spring break i am going camping at the grand canyon with my whole family and the rays! I wasn't very excited about it at first because i thought it was going to be boring but i am actually excited about it. WE are leaving Thursday early morning and than we are coming back on Friday. How is everyone Else's spring break going?


  1. hi hi! have fun at the grand canyon

  2. This is your did you have a great time? I hope you did.

    Check out my blog: http://chrscrazylife.blogspot.com/
