"The most important covenant we prepare for is being sealed in the temple"

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


School was kind of boring today. All we did in math was add and subtract decimals. That was super easy but super boring. English was the best class as usual. Well the writing that we did was kind of boring but it was okay. The other parts of that class were fun like the sitting there and talking to my friends. So my next class was science. i hate my science teacher. She is really strict and mean. Well she is not that mean but still. I don`t really like that class. After that i had Orchestra. Orchestra is one of my better classes. I really like my teacher she is really nice. My stand partner is kind of annoying she sits there and pokes me with her bow. She is really hyper and stuff i don`t know she just kind of bugs me. Next i had reading.My reading class is my second favorite class because English is my first. So i like my reading class the because my teacher is really awesome.I am sure most of you are surprised though that i said reading was my second favorite class because i hate reading. I still hate reading but i really like this class. My last hour class is social studies. Social studies is not that bad. my teacher is a little weird but its okay. i mean she is pretty cool. I didn`t really talk about what i did today but that's okay.

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