"The most important covenant we prepare for is being sealed in the temple"

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Shall I Falter or Shall I Finish?

Our challenges and trials are given to us to help us succeed. 
Sometimes the weight of the world can become a lot to handle and we begin to feel like we should give up. 
Giving up should never be the answer. 
"When life gets to hard to stand; kneel." 
Heavenly Father truly answers prayers
The adventure of the race starts once something goes wrong, and we must give all that we have to offer. 
We can draw closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ as we study our scriptures daily, and kneel in prayer frequently. 
We weren't sent here to start the race, we were sent here to finish the race and ENDURE TO THE END. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Tides Have Turned

A lot has happened in the last little while. 
In Fact, things change daily. 
It seems to be that when you think you have your life planned out, something always gets thrown in the way. 
When something gets thrown in your way, change has to happen. 
But... Change is good, because change means you are learning and growing. 
Oh how the tides have turned. 
The only explanation I have to give can't be simply done in words...

Sunday, March 2, 2014

10 Ways to Succeed in Life (Elder Richard G. Scott)

1. Establish principals to guide your life
2. Don't make exceptions to your standards
3.Be loyal
4. Live so that the Lord can guide you
5. Serve others
6. Smile
7. Don't complain
8. Always have a Church assignment.
  "Wherever you go in the world, wherever the Lord takes you, always offer your service to the presiding authority. Leave it to the authority to decide where and how" 
9.Worship in the temple
10. Follow the Savior's example