"The most important covenant we prepare for is being sealed in the temple"

Monday, December 1, 2014

Continually Humbled

It wasn't until I started looking through all the blogs I follow that I realized how long it has been since I last posted. 
Life as a newlywed, college student, and worker is all so busy.
All I keep hearing is how much busier our life is going to get.
We take our days one step at a time and at least make sure that we have time for each other every night. 
I have learned many of things in these blissful six months of marriage,
but one thing I want to share is that we must enjoy every moment of our lives because they pass by all to quickly.
Have I seriously been married for six months? 
Where did the time go? 
I've just begun to realize that the most important aspect of life is to SOAK in every moment. 
Whether good or bad. 

Do I have great respect?
Do I live a higher standard?
When something is most sacred do I honor it at all cost?
The ANSWER...No, not  always but I'm striving everyday.
Some days I seem to strive harder then others, but that's the way it goes.

I just want to share a personal moment with you.

I am person who sometimes speaks my mind when I shouldn't.
When something is on my mind I have a hard time keeping it in, and I just can't help but share it.
Well, I seem to be continually taught by my Husband and I am forever grateful for that.

Not to long ago, we made these wonderful friends, but sometimes they aren't who I want them to be. So of course, being me I start to talk about them to many people.
My husband addressed to me that I should stop gossiping about the things they do that upset me.
Being the imperfect human that I am, I became frustrated and annoyed for silly little reasons,
so I jumped in the shower (which is my favorite place to think).
I thought a lot about what he said and began to feel heartbroken.
Not at him, not at my friends, but at myself.
I was heartbroken that I wasn't being the person my husband wanted me or expected me to be.

This is where my heart became full.

The thoughts in my mind said to me
"He is just trying to be Christ-like, and Christ would never gossip or for that matter engage in gossip or be around gossip."

Everyday I am humbled by my sweet Husband because he is better then I and that is why I married him.

You should always marry up because if you don't there won't ever be room for progression and that is what this life is all about.

We need to continually progress to become who we are meant to be...
Heirs in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Continually Prepare. Never Wait. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

3 Simple Words

For the past little while I've really thought a lot about these 3 Simple but profound words, 

What do the words "I love you" even mean?

Love can be defined in many different ways. 

The world likes to tell us that "I love you" is thrown around way to carelessly BUT that is an utter lie. 
Those three Simple words truthfully aren't used FREQUENTLY ENOUGH. 

I don't care who you are, everyone needs a little love.
Love is better expressed in ways other then words.

Love is a choice as much as it is a feeling or a decision.

When you promise to love, you promise your life.

There are important and frankly necessary ways to tell someone you love them, but there are also personal ways people like to be told they are loved.

The 5 most important ways to let someone know you love them is by the following:

1. Tell them everyday or as often as possible

2. Express gratitude to them. Tell them you are thankful for their presence in your life. Let them know you are grateful for all the things they do for you in your life.

3.Set aside time for them everyday. Good personal quality time is one of the greatest ways to express Love. Put away all distractions so you can truly listen to each other.

4. Always offer an act of kindness, or give service to that person without their knowledge (ex. make the bed, do the dishes, clean up)

5. Immediately be forgiving.

The 5th way is more important then all the other reasons.
We are all human beings, we all make mistakes; none of us are perfect.
Sometimes being forgiving can be so difficult, especially when you feel someone has wronged you or hurt you.

I can think of no greater example of this forgiving kind of love then the
Only Begotten, our Lord and Savior, and our  brother Jesus Christ.

When I think of the Saviors Love I think about the Crucifixion. He suffered for each one of us because he loves us so deeply.
The part of the Crucifixion that amazes me most is even after being whipped, spit upon, nailed, crowned with thorns and hung on the cross, Jesus asked the  father to forgive those who persecuted and crucified him.
That is the moment you know Jesus forgave those people.
That is also the moment that you know Jesus Christ loves all men.

The ultimate form of love for God and men is forgiveness. 

There are times in our lives when we wish we would have said "I love you" just one more time, don't let that time be today.

I love you is important in our everyday.

"Love isn't what makes the world go 'round, Love is what makes the ride worthwhile."
-Franklin P. Jones   

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Day That Changed My Life Forever

On May 31st 2014 

I woke up in the morning unbelieving that today was the day my life would change forever.

Slowly the hours went by,
Slowly the minutes went by,
Every second felt like 1000 seconds.

I stepped into my car,
I could feel the butterflies flapping in my stomach.

I watched as each building past us by,
there it was...

The place I would walk in as Savanna Westberg and walk out completely changed.

As I entered those doors I became extremely nervous.
"Am I ready for this?"
Of course I am.
This is everything I have ever been preparing for.

In Eric walked, looking just as nervous as I did.
"Is it normal to feel this way?"

Of course it is!
After-all we were about to make an eternal decision.

Heavenly Father had guided us right to each other and we were exactly where he wanted us.

Hand in hand we walked the hallways of the temple, door through door we entered.

We finally made it into the room where all our family and friends were waiting for us.
As soon as I looked around the room and saw all the chairs filled and people standing in this crowded room I knew that what I was doing was absolutely what I needed to be doing and my nerves were calmed.

After what seemed like an eternity we knelt across the alter, hand in hand, looked into each others eye and with so much love said yes to being an Eternal Family as Mr. and Mrs

There we stood outside those lovely temple doors ready to take on the world as Eric and Savanna Mckay.

This was just the beginning of our Happily Ever After

Dreams Do Come True.

It was nothing short of beautiful. 

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Holy Crap I'm Getting Married

It has been way to long since I have written on here. 
I have been so busy since I got engaged.
Anyone who has been here, knows how it goes. 
A week after we got engaged we took our engagement pictures, then a week after that, we ordered our announcements, sent them out a week later, finished our college semester a week after that, and have been working like mad dogs, and finishing up all the details for our special day. I can hardly believe there are only 13 days left. 
This is so surreal. 

Last Friday, I was able to enter into the house of the Lord and receive my endowments. After my interview with the Stake President and Bishop, I cried when my recommend was handed to me because I had just been given the greatest accomplishment and the thing I have been preparing for my whole life. 
The temple was absolutely beautiful and everything I have ever dreamed of it being. 
If there is one thing that you do in your life, ALWAYS be worthy of having a temple recommend. I promise you will not regret it. 
Being worthy to enter into the Holy House of the Lord means the world to me and I can't wait to continue attending the temple frequently, individually and with my soon to be husband as we continue to prepare on a daily basis to be blessed with a Happily Ever After and an Eternity with one another. 

Here are some long over due posted engagement pictures: 

Monday, April 7, 2014

A Conference Weekend to Remember

What a beautiful weekend it was in the Arizona Mountains. 
We have a family tradition of going up to the mountains during General Conference weekend where we get to sit and relax and enjoy the company of each other and listen to the beautiful words of the prophets. 
Not only were the words spoken during the conference inspiring and motivating but something life changing happened.

It was a lovely Sabbath day at Bison Ranch. The Weather was beautiful and I had a handsome man by my side. What more could I have asked for? 

Eric and I took a walk with my little sister down to a pond they have. The whole time we hadn't taken any pictures so I mentioned out loud that we needed at least one picture to capture the moment of the weekend. My sister without hesitation shouted "Can I take a picture of you guys?" We accepted, and what we thought was going to be one picture turned into a whole photo-shoot of her telling us what to do and how to pose. 
After a while Eric goes "I have an idea for a pose." So he positions Ginger, tells her where to stand and asks her to just keep taking pictures. Eric comes and stands behind me with his hands on my hips for a minute and then steps back and tells me to keep looking out on the pond. 
A minute later he grabs me by the hand turns me around and there he is on one knee. 
My Heart Stops. 
Music rings in my ears as I hear the sweet melodious "Savanna Brook Westberg, will you marry me?"  
Of course, I said "Yes!" 

We were both so caught up in the moment. 
As we were walking back Eric stops and goes "Wait! Did you even say yes?" 
We laughed, and enjoyed every minute of that very moment. 

Ever since I was a little girl I dreamed of the day when the man I love would get down on one knee and ask me to be his forever. 

That dream of little Savanna has come true.
Let the fun and excitement of wedding planning begin!!

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Shall I Falter or Shall I Finish?

Our challenges and trials are given to us to help us succeed. 
Sometimes the weight of the world can become a lot to handle and we begin to feel like we should give up. 
Giving up should never be the answer. 
"When life gets to hard to stand; kneel." 
Heavenly Father truly answers prayers
The adventure of the race starts once something goes wrong, and we must give all that we have to offer. 
We can draw closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ as we study our scriptures daily, and kneel in prayer frequently. 
We weren't sent here to start the race, we were sent here to finish the race and ENDURE TO THE END. 

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Tides Have Turned

A lot has happened in the last little while. 
In Fact, things change daily. 
It seems to be that when you think you have your life planned out, something always gets thrown in the way. 
When something gets thrown in your way, change has to happen. 
But... Change is good, because change means you are learning and growing. 
Oh how the tides have turned. 
The only explanation I have to give can't be simply done in words...

Sunday, March 2, 2014

10 Ways to Succeed in Life (Elder Richard G. Scott)

1. Establish principals to guide your life
2. Don't make exceptions to your standards
3.Be loyal
4. Live so that the Lord can guide you
5. Serve others
6. Smile
7. Don't complain
8. Always have a Church assignment.
  "Wherever you go in the world, wherever the Lord takes you, always offer your service to the presiding authority. Leave it to the authority to decide where and how" 
9.Worship in the temple
10. Follow the Savior's example

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Busy? Who Said Anything About Being Busy?

Do you ever complain about being busy and then someone tells you "Oh, wait; it will get worse."?
I have people telling me this day in and day out. 
I can't possibly imagine my life getting busier then it is this semester. 
I am a full time college student taking 21 units, Working part time, dating someone seriously and on the Linger Longer (food) Committee for my singles ward.
How do I do it without driving myself completely insane?
The answer is simple: I make time for the Lord.
Being busy is never a bad thing unless you start to forget what matters most. 
Throughout this semester I have learned that as we put the Lord first everything else falls into place. 
How can we put the Lord first in our busy lives?
Here are a few suggestions: Attend the Temple weekly, Read the Scriptures Daily, Magnify your calling, hourly, Pray both morning and night and Serve Frequently. 
Last but not least, PUT A SMILE ON YOUR FACE :)

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Gilbert Temple

Yesterday I had the opportunity to go through the Gilbert temple open house. It is such a beautiful building from the inside out. The spirit I felt there was so strong. I love the temples. I love what they symbolize and I love the things that are done inside of them. Families are Forever. Now is the time to PREPARE to enter those doors with the person I am meant to spend forever with. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Worth of my Soul

"You cannot sink farther than the light and sweeping intelligence of Jesus Christ can reach. As long as there is one spark of the will to repent and to reach out, he is there. He did not just descend to your condition; he descended below it." -Truman G. Madsen

Why is the Worth of my soul great?

*It has the ability to be crowned with Glory and Honor
* My redemption is precious (according to the Savior) 
*More precious the fine gold
*Christ comes to save me when I get lost
*Christ gave his life for me
*The Heavenly hosts rejoice when I repent because I am loved.
*God loves me so much he gave his only begotten son, so that I may have everlasting life. 
*I am given knowledge 
*Angels are sent to help me 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Discipleship and Dating

"Do you want capability, safety, and security in dating and romance, in married life and eternity? Be a true disciple of Jesus. Be a genuine, committed, word-and-deed Later-day Saint. Believe that your faith has everything to do with your romance, because it does. You separate dating from discipleship at your peril. Jesus Christ, the light of the world, is the only lamp by which you can successfully see the path of love and happiness. How should I love thee? As he does, for that way 'never failtheth' (1 Corinthians 13:8, Moroni 7:46)" -Jeffery R. Holland 

Dating isn't always as fun as it is cracked up to be, but it's through these experiences that we come to know what our heart truly desires. 

Recent Discovery: Someone can have all the qualities you could possibly want in an Eternal Companion and still not be right for you. Sometimes you just don't feel it. AND THAT IS OKAY. Last night I went on a date with a guy who seems to have everything going for him and has all these qualities that are great, but I just wasn't feeling it and all is well. 
Dating is so important for the reason of experiencing all the different kinds of people that are out there so that you can discover the perfect person FOR you.  

In the February 2014 Ensign is an article titled Discipleship and Dating
The article gives four ways to ensure a positive dating experience. If you haven't already read it, I suggest that you do. 

The four suggestions they give are:
*Uplifting Speech 

To read the article just click the link above. 


"If we are ever tempted to be less than our best selves with those we date, let us remember that righteous behavior in dating forms the foundation for successful relationships and marriage, both in this work and in the eternities."  -Jared Whitley

Saturday, January 18, 2014

If You Just Believe

When I was 5 I believed I could be anything I wanted to be. 
I also believed I was good at everything. 
When asked if I was cute the respond "yes" would follow. 
"Are you good at dancing?" "Yes" 
"Are you good as swimming?" "Yes" 
We all know or have a 5 year old just like that in our lives, in this very moment.
We all used to be that way until... we grew older, and reality set in. 
"I can't..."
"I don't..."
"I'm not good at..." 
We lost belief in ourselves. 

How can we gain that same faith we once had in ourselves again? 

Our greatest dreams in life can become a reality if only we are willing to work and have faith in our abilities and talents. 
We shouldn't let people tell us we can't do something.
We can learn and be taught anything we set our minds to.

Am I a disciple who is capable of accomplishing great things?
Of course I am!! As long as I believe in myself and the abilities that I have. 

If You Just Believe...you CAN accomplish wonderful things.