"The most important covenant we prepare for is being sealed in the temple"

Monday, June 4, 2012


For all those who used to follow my blog when I first got it in 2008 I am sorry for all the boring torture I put you through! I went back and read all my old posts and let me just tell... I'm sorry for being boring. I promise that i will try better to keep you as entertained as possible.
Yesterday (Sunday June 3) I was able to attend the baby blessing of my sweet new cousin Tatum Pearl. She is such  a doll! Congrats to Michael and Heather.

Yesterday was an exciting day for my family. Not only were we able to attend the baby blessing of the beautiful baby you see above but we were also able to visit my new baby cousin who was born on June 1st. They don't have a name picked out for her yet but here the precious baby girl is anyway...

Nothing explains moments and memories in our lives better then pictures do.  On Saturday (June 2nd) We went on a visit with my brothers and we went to As you wish the pottery painting place. Unfortunately Dominic my middle brother wasn't able to come with us because he went on a camping trip with his Group. Here we are... my lovable siblings.

Yeah, we have fun together!

For our big family Christmas presents we received a week long cruise and season passes to Disneyland! It was one of the best things we could have received! Family vacations are the best because you get to spend so much time with your family and reinstate your family relationship.

Family is the best gift that God could have ever given us. I don't understand how people can think that there isn't a God with all the beautiful creations we have all around us. I love my family so much and I know that God gave us families in order to prove his love for us!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Long time... No post.

I recently had the crazy idea to check out my blog that I have seemed to let slip between my fingers. It's been two years since I posted last so I decided that posting more recently wouldn't be that bad of an Idea. Lots has gone on in the past two years. My youngest sibling was baptized in November of 2011 and she is as adorable as ever!
Wouldn't you agree with me?:)

During the summer of 2011 we had to make a heartbreaking decision to have my three adopted brothers be taken out of our home. We still keep in contact with them and they are still going to be ours forever because they are sealed to us in the temple! I don't know how we would be able to handle half the things we do without the principles of the Gospel.

This year I went to girls camp as a YCL (youth camp leader). It was quite a different experience of girlscamp than what I'm used to. It great being able to go and be the one who helped to bring the spirit and change girls lives. If I went to girlscamp to do nothing more then touch one girls life then the whole experience was worth it. For one of my devotionals I gave Imade this handout...

Life sure is a journey and it is not easy. It is rocky at times but as long as we keep pushing through we will be able to make it to the finish of our race! Remember who you are always and never forget the goals you have set for yourself.

With all the spiritual parts of life also comes the fun. I was able to attend the Taylor Swift concert with a couple of my cousins and it was so much fun! An experience I will never ever forget!
Last night I attended the He is we concert at the Nile Theater with Logan Porter and that was a super Fun concert.

A week or two ago my Piano teacher took me to go see the phoenix symphony Orchestra. Let me just tell you, you do not know what music is till you go to something like that! It was absolutely beautiful and such an uplifting moment. It makes me appreciate the piano and other instruments so much more. (which is crazy because I love PIANO more then anything already.) The pianist Olga Kern played there she was incredible. Check her out on youtube.

Well, I'll try to keep you posted on events that happen with my life. Keep on checking out the life of a Pianoaholic!:)